Bulgaria DABS
Association Dobrudzha Agrarian and Business School (DABS)
Association “Dobrudzha Agrarian and Business School” (DABS) is a training institution founded in 2004 by recognized research, educational and business organisations. Its mission is to serve as a leading agri-business centre in Bulgaria, to maintain a reputable image in the business, agrarian and academic communities, and to lead the establishment of a new regional scientific and professional education institution that generates novel ideas and state-of-the-art scientific developments and implements innovations in agriculture and business practice in Bulgaria and abroad.
The activities of DABS are aimed at supporting the development of agrarian science, as well as agrarian business and its related fields of study such as ecology, tourism, renewable energy and energy efficiency, and others.
DABS advocates applicability of education and scientific research in practice to the benefit of entrepreneurs and business. The association organises training and information measures in agricultural sciences, management, economics, tourism, marketing and business and promotes innovative practices in agriculture to facilitate its sustainable development in Bulgaria.

3 Bulgaria str., 9300 Dobrich, Bulgara