About the Program (BSB)
The Black Sea Basin ENI CBC programme
The Black Sea Basin ENI CBC programme 2014-2020 builds upon the previous cooperation framework, integrating relevant lessons learned from the Black Sea Basin ENPI CBC programme 2007-2013 which was funded under European Neighbourhood & Partnership Instrument (ENPI) and aimed to contribute to a stronger and sustainable economic and social development of the regions of the Black Sea Basin.Aiming to improve the welfare of the people in the Black Sea Basin regions through sustainable growth and joint environmental protection, the Black Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020 is one of the EU Cross-Border Cooperation programmes funded under the European Neighbourhood Instrument Cross Border Cooperation (ENI CBC). The programme supports two main thematic objectives:
- Promote business and entrepreneurship within the Black Sea Basin;
- Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin.
The countries participating in The Black Sea Basin ENI CBC programme 2014-2020 builds upon the previous cooperation framework, integrating relevant lessons learned from the Black Sea Basin both frameworks are Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey, Ukraine, Romania and Greece.

Main Objectives

Promoting economic and social development in border areas

Addressing common challenges: environment, public health, safety and security

Putting in place better conditions for persons, goods and capital mobility