Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University (TNKU), as a Partner of the CBC-ENI Project AGREEN (BSB-1135), organised the Local Focus Group Discussion Workshop online on 31st March 2021. As a deliverable of the Activity A.T1.3, AGREEN Focus Group Workshop was dedicated to ¨Common Branding¨ with a large-scale participation of local farmers, enterprises, researchers and regional representatives of public institutions responsible for agricultural policies.
AGREEN Branding Workshop was launched as a second national event for the project ¨Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin – BSB1135¨ in Tekirdağ, Turkey.
AGREEN Focus Group Branding Workshop was opened by the welcome speech of Prof. Dr. Tolga ERDEM, Project Coordinator at TNKU. Dr. Duygu DOĞAN introduced goals, missions and the expected outcomes of AGREEN Project while referring to two key concepts – climate-smart agriculture and community of practice. Prof. Dr. M. Ömer AZABAĞAOĞLU, AGREEN Expert of Brand Blueprint informed about the common branding need for climate-smart crops and products in BSB Region. He also moderated the focus group discussions on how to build up a joint brand blueprint. During the focus group session, participants and AGREEN COP members discussed about the issues including international accreditation for brands, competitive power of the market for climate-smart food and agricultural products, potential consumer profile, local producers’ and farmers’ expectations and joint brand identity.
The project AGREEN: “Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart Agriculture in Black Sea Basin” is being implemented by 6 partners from 6 countries (Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania and Turkey) in the BSB within the framework of the Joint Operational
Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020, cofinanced by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and by the participating countries: Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine.