On-line National awareness-raising was organised in Romania on the 19th of December

19th of December was significant AGREEN NARE was organized for the sake of spreading the philosophy of CSA and educate stakeholders for the concept of AGREEN!

AGREEN aims were presented by the OUC representative.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences within the “Ovidius” University of Constanța organizes on Saturday, December 19, the REGIONAL CONFERENCE “INTELLIGENT AGRICULTURE IN THE REGION OF THE BLACK SEA BASIN – South- East ROMANIA”. The conference is organized online within the project AGREEN – CROSS- BORDER ALLIANCE FOR CLIMATE-SMART AND GREEN AGRICULTURE IN THE BLACK SEA BASIN, Contract no. BSB 1135.

The conference is organized within the activity of A.T. 1.3. within the AGREEN project and aims to bring together agricultural producers,
cooperatives, associations, experts, regulators, business organizations, interest groups supporting sustainable development and smart agriculture. The purpose of the focus group workshops is to
study the perceptions, opinions and recommendations of stakeholders on the development of a regional brand for climate-smart agriculture in BSB.



