On Friday, January 20, 2023, the Ovidius University of Constanta /OUC/ had the pleasure of hosting at the multimedia hall of the Ioan Popișteanu Library, one of the key events within the project “Cross-border Alliance for Ecological and Climate Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” /AGREEN/, respectively the event of networking dedicated to the multipliers of the training course “Entrepreneurship for climate-smart agriculture in the Black Sea basin”.
At the event, together with the project team and the representatives of the OUC and the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences, representatives of professional associations in the agricultural field, representatives of local administrations, farmers, students, other interested persons participated. Also, the three multipliers who participated in the training seminar in Dobrich in November 2022, shared with the workshop participants their experience gained by participating in the events of the AGREEN project.
Workshop participants were offered, free of charge, the materials of the Training Course “Entrepreneurship for Climate Smart Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin”, which is also available to all interested learners in the form of a Guidebook, published on the project website, but also presented as an open educational resources and integrated into the AGREEN Internet Platform, incl. in Romanian language.
The main task of the multipliers to learn how to deliver the course using the AGREEN platform and to motivate other stakeholders in their locations to organize trainings on this basis was thus accomplished. The event agenda was therefore built around key themes from the course training curriculum, focusing on: the CSA approach, building and sustaining climate-resilient agri-food value chains; sustainable farm management; possible sources of funding for CSA activities and marketing for sustainable agricultural products.
The training was part of the AGREEN consortium’s efforts to build capacity for networking and transnational knowledge transfer to establish climate-smart agriculture and maintain higher rates of economic and social fulfilment.
BSB 1135_PP2_A.T.4.3_AGREEN_e-news Releases-No.6-Training EN