The Multiplier networking event “Entrepreneurship for Climate-smart Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” was organized on 29th of December 2022 by Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University in Tekirdağ, Turkey. The workshop presented the developed training course within the AGREEN project and was held at Tekirdağ Des’Otel. The event, was attended by entrepreneurs, farmers, young people interested in agriculture and students of our University, and was held in cooperation with the AGREEN Project team and our University Project Office Coordinator.
During the training, the participants had the chance to learn about the results of the AGREEN project activities and field studies that have been ongoing since June 2020, the use of the Internet Platform and Interactive Logistics Maps, Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) Concept and Approach, Climate Smart Agri-Food Value Chains, Sustainable Management of Farms.
Some other topics that were discussed during the event are Financing Climate Sensitive Agricultural Activities, Marketing for Sustainable Agricultural Products, International Trade and Cooperation and others.