The national focus-group workshops for studying stakeholders’ views and recommendations on the development of a regional brand for climate-smart agriculture in the BSB within the frame of the AGREEN project was the first public event to happen under the project. It was hosted by Ovidius University – Constanta (OUC) and gathered more than 30 representatives for an online discussion, held on the 7th of December 2020, regarding the perspectives of the climate-smart agriculture in Romania, and in particular in the region of South-East Romania, which is part if the Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 Programm.
The project team at OUC presented the project aim, objectives, activities and expected results to the stakeholders coming from different organizations involved in the agricultural sector, academia representatives, local branch organizations and farmers, students in agricultural sciences, etc. They all discussed the best approaches to reach the potential customers of the climate-smart products applying different marketing tools and methods for making the common brand recognizable for the wide audience.