In the week 22-25.11.2022 Dobrudzha Agrarian and Business School (DABS) had the pleasure of hosting the international training “Entrepreneurship for Climate-smart Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” in Dobrich, Bulgaria.
Young multipliers from 5 of the project partners attended the event together with the COP members from Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Georgia and Greece as their mentors guiding the training, while the Armenian participants were engaged online via videoconference.
The main topics of the training were focused on the developed training course within the project and the speakers from the partnering countries of AGREEN project reviewed the different modules, among which: the CSA approach, building and sustaining climate-resilient agro-food value chains; management of sustainable farms; possible sources of financing of the CSA activities and marketing for sustainable agricultural produce. Further guidance and examples of different teaching/learning approaches and methodologies were delivered in support of the trainees to build capacity of acting as multipliers in their communities.
During the training the multipliers had the chance to not only listen to presentations and lectures, but also to work with and experience on practice the AGREEN platform, while they explored its functions and received guidance on its applications in different training environment.
Overall the purpose of the training was to give the trainees the tools to acquire knowledge and disseminate the concept of the Climate-smart Agriculture themselves and send them on their journey with a few tips and tricks in their pockets.
Next step will be for the multipliers to be engaged in the organization of local multiplication events in their countries when they will disseminate further the training opportunities provided by the AGREEN project and platform.