Ovidius University of Constanta (OUC), through the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences (FSNSA), organized on Wednesday, March 23, a local business workshop for the presentation of the Internet Platform for liaising sustainable producers and promotion of climate-smart agriculture in the BSB (AGREEN Platform), informs the coordinator of the event, Professor Liliana Panaitescu, PhD.
According to the quoted source, the workshop was organized in a hybrid system (in situ and online) within the AGREEN Project – “Cross-Border Alliance for Climate-Smart and Green Agriculture in the Black Sea Basin” (Contract No. BSB 1135) – Activity A.T. 3.3.
“The role of the workshop was both to disseminate and popularize the online platform and its services, and to test its functionality and relevance to the needs of stakeholders,” said the project coordinator.
The event was attended by over 100 participants, representatives of the academic community and of professional associations in the field of agriculture, farmers, specialists in sustainable agriculture and natural resources management and other stakeholders, along with the project team (the coordinator of the community of practice, Associate Professor Irina Moise, PhD; the course development expert, Professor Eng. Valentina Pomazan, PhD; the platform support expert, Assistant Eng. Simona Pricop, PhD and the assistant manager Lavinia Istratie-Macarov, PhD).
The Press Office of Ovidius University of Constanta
PP2 Press release BSB 1135_24.03.2022 EN