On the 9 th of March, 2022 the 6 project partners met online to discuss the progress and future steps of AGREEN project. The progress in the preparation for the upcoming 4 th Steering and evaluation committee’s meeting in Romania was tracked, and the good news are that most of the COVID-19related restrictions are lifted, so almost all partners will be able to finally travel to get together in person in Constanta. The partners followed the progress of the Crop models for CSA development, having all the 6 models finished by the experts and under final revision and adjustments. The selected crops to be tested on the experimental fields in Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia are: triticale growing (that will be modelled via conventional and no-till methods of growing); okra (organic growing vs. conventional growing); sunflower growing with application of supplemental irrigation, walnuts growing under different irrigation conditions; organic wheat growing model and finally, crop modelling for syntrophic farming.
Since another series of events is about to be organized in the partnering countries, the partners started to plan for the organization of the local workshops for presenting the AGREEN internet platform (in the period March-May) and the International Conference that will be held in Greece in June 2022. Finally, the development of the AGREEN Training course “Entrepreneurship in CSA” is also under development and the final version of the syllabus will be shared soon.
Keep following us for more details.