Dobrudzha Agro and Business School is the Leading Partner of the CBC-ENI Project AGREEN (BSB-1135) and organized the Local Focus Group Discussion Workshop on 13th of May 2021.
The discussion was dedicated to the development of a regional brand for agricultural products originating in the Black Sea Basin and produced in a climate-smart way and involved large-scale of local farmers, enterprises, researchers and regional representatives of public institutions responsible for agricultural policies. AGREEN Focus Group Workshop was launched as a the first national event for the project in Dobrich, Bulgaria.
AGREEN Focus Group Branding Workshop was opened by welcoming speech of Associate Professor Todor Radev, representing the lead partner DABU. Afterwards, philosophy and project concept, goals and the expected outcomes were introduced to the participants by Violeta Dimitrova, the Project coordinator. The whole room was intrigued by the fact that the project is referring to two key concepts – climate-smart agriculture and community of practice, as they also marked those topics in the feedback form.
The researcher Dr Miroslava Dimitrova, AGREEN Expert of Brand Blueprint, shared with the audience the findings of the feasibility study about the common branding need and overall state of Of the state of art and potential of climate-smart agriculture in Bulgaria and the whole BSB region. The focus group discussions on how to build up a joint brand blueprint was precisely moderated by the whole team.